It has been a long cold winter

It has been a long time everyone. 

I have been waiting, sometimes impatiently, for the day I would be coming back to the wonderful blogging world. 

Back in the end of July, or was it the beginning of August, of 2013 my poor little MacBook finally bit the dust. It was terribly sad. With no computer meant no blogging, meant slowing down on my Etsy shop, meant a lot of things. 

Today my wonderful husband surprised me with a trip to Nebraska Furniture Mart and bought me an iPad Air. You could understand my joy, right?!  

So here I am. I am writing on my wonderful iPad and am back with the blogging community. 

Since my computer was down I have been neglecting my Etsy shop. My email had been hacked in to several times by people in Argentina (apparently they thought there was something in there). My sewing for the shop has gone down. I had a terrible experience at my last craft show. Anyway. Enough sob story. I am just so excited to be back. 

Since my last email breech, I have not opened my email from my shop account. I am going to be changing email addresses and I figured why not change the name of the shop while I am at it. 

Jeca Creations has served me well but I think it is time for a fresh start. Revamp. 

I am open to name possibilities. Anyone have anything good?


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