Cheap Living: Shave Mob

I love to save money anwhere I can.  Razors are no exception.  I usually do not purchase razors as often as I should simply because I don't like dishing out the money for the nice ones.  Instead I use them until you absolutely cannot use them anymore and then cringe while looking at the cost at the market (yes, I am that cheap).

Shave Mob is a monthly subscription service that allows you to save over $100 per year on men and women's razors.  The best part is, NO recurring fees. They will send an email when they think your supply is running low and you can simply reorder or wait. 

I recieved my first package the other day.  I am pretty excited to not have to worry about using old, dull razors anymore!

Their monthly rates are as low as $2/month and shipping is free. I chose their highest priced service at $3.33/month.  My first shipment included the razor handle and two months supply on razor heads. 

This razor head has 
*6 stainless steel, precision cut blades
*Optional Flexible head for perfect smooth around curves.
*Lubricating strips containg vitamin E, aloe and lavendar oil. 
*Non-clogging flow through blade design. 
*Pivot head with ergonomic handle.
*Replaceable cartrige razor
*Non slip handle.

Why not try out Shave Mob for yourself.  Take a look here: 

**the above link is an affliate link**


  1. That seems really reasonable! So you pay $3.33 each month and get 4 razors every other month? Can you downgrade in the winter, when you don't shave as often? ; )

    1. I just updated the post. They do not have recurring fees so you only reorder when you need to. The more you buy the more you save. My first shipment included two months worth so if I were to order monthly I would receive two replacement heads at a time.


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