I am blessed

I feel extremely blessed to announce that I was awarded the Stylish Blogger Award by The Forest Faery. She is an amazing photographer and has an etsy shop called TheForestFaery.

I am supposed to name 7 facts about myself...only 7? Lets see...

1. I was a band nerd from 5th-12th grade. There are very few things that I have felt like I have mastered or was even good at. Playing the flute was one of these rare things that I felt like I was good at. I pretty much taught myself how to play in 5th grade. I went from a band of around 8 kids from 5th-8th grade to a band of over 100 in 9th grade and many more in highschool. Out of the many many flute players I went from next to last chair my 9th grade year to first chair my senior year. Nerdy fact I am proud of.

2. I lived in Idaho for 16 months. This may not sound odd to most people but I have lived in the Carthage-Joplin area from age 4 to 26. I have always lived within 30 minutes of my home I grew up in. Almost two years ago my husband and I decided to pack up our, at that time, 18 month old, dog and cat and most of our belongs and trek the 1500 mile drive to Rupert Idaho. We moved there to work at the Idaho Youth Ranch where we cared for 10 boys ages 12-17. We lived next door to them, well really our house was connected to where they lived. It was a highly stressful job but extremely rewarding. I am still in touch with many of the boys and girls (there was a lodge of girls on the ranch as well). I was able to hike the mountains, ride horses, visit Salt Lake City and do many other things that I had either never done or hadn't done in a long time. I even had another daughter while there!

3. I have a very eclectic reading habit. I LOVE to read. I have read all the Harry Potter books (numerous times), historical fiction, autobiographies, memoirs, sci-fi, classical lit, Brit-lit and pretty much any other kind...except romance. I despise romance "novels".

4. I wish I was more girly. I would love to get a manicure and have it last more than one day. I actually live life which means I use my hands a lot and I just can't keep polish on my finger nails. I also do wish that I cared what my hair looks like. Most of the time I just throw it up in a ponytail and walk out the door. Who has time to actually fix their hair all the time? I apparently need to know their secret.

5. I have been working on purging my unnecessary possesions. I have been coming to the realization that if something fatal were to happen to me that I would be leaving a huge burden on my husband and family of trying to clear out all of my "junk".

6. I'm eating brownies right now that I just took out of the oven. Jealous?

7. I have an etsy shop. If you are reading my blog you have most likely already figured that one out but I can use all the traffic to my shop that I can get. I have been trying figure out which way my shop should go. I am thinking of phasing out my knitted items and just go with sewing. I like to knit but I am finding that it is just not where the money is...at least not right now.

I am sharing this blog award with two amazing women. The first is Amberzonbie. Me and her were roomies. I like her a whole lot. I love her sense of fashion and being able to repurpose just about anything and make it look amazing and functional.

The second is Beth Chambers. I absolutely love this lady. I am glad that we are friends. Her and my husband grew up together. She has an amazing sense of fashion. Seriously. You can take the clothes off of a hobo, put them on Beth and she will make them look amazing. She also has an amazing eye for photography.


  1. Aw, I'm really glad I awarded you now! :) Great random facts, by the way. I love that part of these blog awards! Don't worry, I'm not all that girly either- I actually wanted a change last summer and asked my mom to shave off my hair LOL! You're not alone in the non-girlyness!


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